Sex Trafficking; Men & Boys Are Trafficked Too!

Sex trafficking is a devastating form of modern-day slavery that affects individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. While it is often assumed that only women and girls are victims of sex trafficking, the reality is that men and boys are also at risk of being trafficked for commercial sex....

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Human Trafficking Myths You Should Know

There are many myths surrounding people's understanding of Human Trafficking:


MYTH 1. Human trafficking always involves sexual exploitation.

Human Trafficking involves forced labor and or forced sexual exploitation.  Most trafficking victims who are exploited for labor purposes...

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What Are the 6 Truths YOU Should Know About Sex Trafficking?


#1.  Traffickers are known as "Real Ones". This is because that is all they have.


#2.  Traffickers are the most reliable people you will ever meet.


#3.  Victims of sex trafficking do not see themselves as victims.


#4.  The sex trafficking problem....

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